Parent Volunteers Welcome Tea – 3 February 2015
Posted on February 4, 2015
“Good works must be continued … “
About 90 Parents across all primary levels attended the Welcome Tea! It was an honor to be able to host the newly appointed Class Reps in this 2015 PSG circle.
Lee Soo Chye, Chairman of the PSG, opened the morning’s proceedings of friendship, fellowship and committed purpose. He emphasized that it is the role of the PSG to support the school as partners. As parents, we may feel more capable to seeing to the needs of our sons, but it is important for us to trust the school and respect the teachers, as they carry out what they have been tasked and trained to do. As parents, we should seek to strengthen the relationship with the school, so that present and future cohorts of students can benefit from the PSG’s good works.
Principal Mr Koh then addressed the PSG. He shared the plans of the 50 ACtS of Grace being embarked upon by the ACS Family of 6 Schools, in the context of this being the 50th year of our nation’s independence creating an opportunity to give back to society in complementing ways. ACS (Primary) will, for instance, be involved in the painting of the Amoy Street Food Centre walls – giving back to the Singapore community in which ACS was first part of, and twinning with ACS (BR), welcoming pioneer teachers at the schools’ invitation, to partake in the fun and festivities of Carnival ACS 5 happening at the Barker Road campus on 11 April 2015.
We invite members of the PSG to read Mr. Koh’s Principal’s Message in this PSG website, where he relates the observations of an anthropologist with African tribe children. As did the children in that experiment, members of the PSG are invited to run along together ‘hand-in-hand’, for it is the only way that we can reach the end together and collectively share and enjoy in the fruits of our labour.