Reminiscing Carnival ACS 5
Posted on April 28, 2015

While much of Singapore was still in slumber as dawn broke on Saturday 11 April, the ACS Barker Road Campus was already a hive of activity as parent volunteers, staff, students and vendors prepared to welcome the crowds to Carnival ACS 5. The day was a culmination of many months of tireless hard work on the part of the school leaders, teachers, parent volunteers and students in planning for the carnival. The campus soon echoed with the sounds of music and laughter, and the air was perfumed with the mouth-watering aromas of scrumptious foods from the streets of our nation and all corners of the world.
On display was our boys’ astonishing spectrum of talent, from the electrifying rhythms of a percussion group to a string ensemble, guitar ensemble and choir who stirred souls with their lifting music. As part of ONE ACS SG50 ACtS, retired/pioneer educators from all ACS units were invited to enjoy the carnival; they were impressed with the dedication of many, and enjoyed their day visiting stalls and catching up with old friends.
ACS(P) staff gamely volunteered for the dunk tank along with our Principal and Vice-Principal. This delighted the boys no end and they cheered at the top of their voices. Meanwhile, games and activities from laser tag and a competition to guess the number of cupcakes on a cupcake tower, caricature drawing to carnival rides and obstacle challenges, kept everyone excited and entertained.
Having fun is hungry work and the campus was resplendent with an extraordinary variety of food and drink. Parents, teachers and vendors worked tirelessly to feed the hungry crowds who kept coming back for more. Students enthusiastically carried homemade placards to market their class stalls, while loudly advertising their stalls with gusto. Our beautifully decorated Gourmet Supermarket proved a huge hit with its rich variety of flavoured oils, vinegars, organic pastas, exotic spices, sauces and artisan breads.
Despite it raining in other parts of the island, the Barker Road campus basked in clear skies throughout. Above all, what shone brightly was the ACS spirit of teamwork and unity. The success of Carnival ACS 5 is a timely reminder of what makes our school special, that our hearts, our hopes, our aims are one. As the carnival drew to a close, the enjoyment and excitement of a wonderful afternoon were indelibly etched into our memories.
– Impressions by Parent Amy Lai-Syn (Carnival ACS 5, Co-Chair ACS(P) Planning Com.)