Teacher Aides Appreciation Breakfast

Posted on September 5, 2019

The eve of Teachers’ Day is always a special occasion for a particular group of parent volunteers in ACS(P). They are the Teacher Aides (TA) who spend their days in classrooms, assisting the teaching staff in supporting boys who need extra guidance.

On 5 September, some 20 TAs gathered for their annual Teacher Aides Appreciation Breakfast. Over a scrumptious spread of nasi lemak, cakes, kuehs and more, these parent volunteers ‘talked shop’ and shared ideas on better supporting and affirming students. Over a hot cuppa, these dedicated individuals also got to know each other better and encouraged one another to “sign on” for more years of Teacher Aide duty!

The main highlight of the morning’s gathering was when the group joined the whole school in the auditorium for assembly. Besides catching some of the Teachers’ Day celebration, they also got to cheer on their “seniors” who went on stage to receive tokens of appreciation from our Principal, Dr Irene Ng. These were dedicated parent volunteers who had served as TAs for four or more years, on a regular basis in every year of service.

At ACS(P), we always count it as our great blessing to have dedicated parent volunteers like these, whose contributions are greatly treasured and deeply appreciated.