Chinese New Year Activities

Posted on February 2, 2016

Bookmark Station PVs
Calligraphy Station PVs

Chinese New Year is around the corner! As part of its festivity, the Parents’ Support Group, with the help of the Chinese Language department, organised some craft activities for the boys during their recess times.

The boys had fun making decorative fishes out of red packets, rolling “sock-nets” into oranges, writing good wishes on bookmarks and trying their hand at Chinese calligraphy! Within minutes, the music room was bustling with activity – boys were queueing up at the various activity stations and parent volunteers were enthusiastically teaching and guiding the boys. It was a merry time and there were smiles galore. The festive spirit was in the air!

‘Sock-Net’ Oranges

Besides the joy of interacting with the boys and spotting their sons in the crowd, the parent volunteers also had the pleasure of meeting other parent volunteers, especially the parents of our Primary 1 boys who have come on board this year. New friendships were made and old ties renewed. Indeed, it was like a reunion of a big family! What a wonderful way to welcome the new year!

The Art of Chinese Calligraphy!

Here’s wishing everyone a blessed Chinese Lunar New Year!